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epoxy or not, that's the question

Posted: 3. April 2006 19:35
by Andre'
long time no see, i should say.
But as the weather becomes better i'm starting to think of giving my boat a nice refit.
Good comparesiment between other wooden Finn's gave me a thought about how I want my G918 would like to dress.

I'm thinking of moving the traveller of the mainsheet towards the wooden strip that crosses the centreboard (as seen in some nice pictures at this page). So it's all about stripping the boat and maybe skipping one summer of Finn sailing (don't bother, there's a J-109 and i now she's waiting for me).
After stripping and sanding the boat there are two options left: paint it or give her a treatment with epoxy and then paint it.
What should i prefer?
The way I see it the board (multiplex) is too old to suck up any epoxy. If this happens the epoxy is nothing but a lose layer and it's just waiting for condeansation problems. So maybe it's better just to paint her (off course i will respect the woodstructure).
But if i'm wrong, then it's possible to get a good reserved boat that needs less attention.
So again, is my theory correct and should i paint the pain, or can i treat her with epoxy and then paint her?

In case of the last option, I would like some advise in how to do it.


Re: epoxy or not, that's the question

Posted: 15. June 2007 19:25
by GER 110
Hallo Andre',

das Wetter scheint nicht nur bei Dir sondern auch bei Rainer positiv zu wirken:-)

Leider bin ich persönlich (noch) kein Resaturierungsexperte, kann Dir aber trotzdem einen Rat geben.

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