Malizia – mega Crash – nach Greta’s Reise

TEAM UPDATE: „As many of you have seen we had to end the record attempt and pull into St Pierre when we collided with something below the water off the coast, all the team and Malizia are okay – watch this video created by The Ocean Race onboard reporter Brian Carlin to find out what happened and how they are doing. All of the Malizia team are incredibly proud of Stuart Mclachlan, Shane Diviney, Arno Böhnert, Brian Carlin and especially Sharon Ferris-Choat for how they have all handled this situation. A big big thank you to Brian Carlin for his amazing documenting work and for quickly becoming part of the team and lastly to Philip and his team in St Pierre, you guys have gone above and beyond, and The Ocean Race for all your support over the past weeks, we are really excited to work with you further going forward.“

Nach Greta’s Ankunft in New York wollte (sollte) die Malizia mit der o.a. Crew bei der Rückreise einen neuen Rekord aufstellen. Dies ging aber voll in die Hose, da man ein Unterwasserhindernis traf.

Und nun droht auch noch der Hurrikan „Dorian“


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