Finn – Max Kohlhoff schmeisst hin

Everything has an end…
This year was hard for all of us- more or less.
To reach the goal and qualify for the games was going to be extremely difficult for multiple reasons, so I set myself a goal before doing the Europeans and Kieler Woche- to meet the federation squad criteria, or to stop.
The reason for this is that I needed all the support, especially the financial support from the federation in order to be able to carry on and have a chance. Without that I am sure it will not be possible to make it.
As I found out last week, I did not meet the criteria of the federation to make the squad wich is a decision I understand and respect as my performance was just not good enough.
This is why I am officially stopping my olympic Finn campaign to begin a new chapter of my life.
I would like to thank the DSV, my Club NRV and all the individual supporters around me from the last 7 years.
Thanks also to my fellow competitors for a great time and some good battles out there.
I wish you all a successfull 2021!
All the best!

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