Finn Gold Cup 2012 – Day 4



inn Gold Cup 2012:
What a difference a day makes. Wednesday in Falmouth, day four of the Finn Gold Cup, is sunny, warmish and very little wind. Two races are scheduled but at the moment AP is up while the race committee waits for the wind to establish itself. With six great races already sailed, they are under no pressure to get any in today, though the forecast indicates 6-7 knots might arrive this aftrenoon, so we expect to go racing at some point.
Race committee intends to lower AP at 11.15 for a possible 12.30 warning signal. [via Twitter]

Racing is planned to start at 12.30, but with the fleet struggling against the tide and a fluctuating southerly breeze topping 13knot, it looks like that plan might be out the window.

Com boat anchored and wind filled in 8-10 knots [via Twitter]

Finn Gold Cup 2012:

14.21 racing cancelled for the day!



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