Finn World Masters 2013 Video – Five Days in La Rochelle

Shot with Go Pro Naked cameras during the 2013 Finn World Masters in La Rochelle, France using high-mounted forward and aft facing stern cameras, deck level cameras and a selection of time lapse images

Finn World Masters 2013 Video – Five Days in La Rochelle

In May 2013, the Finn World Masters in La Rochelle, France, attracted the largest number of entries ever for a Finn regatta: there were 285 entries from 27 countries.
During the week we placed GoPro cameras on various boats with stern racks and deck mounts, facing forwards, backwards and sideways, in the dinghy park and on the launching ramp. Both video and time lapse sequences were recorded and by the end of the week we had 110 Gb of footage spanning some 16 hours.
This video, while far from perfect, is the result of that work but it gets you into the heart of the racing like never before. If you like it let us know and we’ll look at making an extended version.

The video is available on TheFinn Channel, the class’s YouTube channel here:
and also on facebook here, where you can leave comments.


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