So sah mein Lemieux-Finn auch aus: Die Rumpfform des R1 Finn soll jedoch verbessert worden sein

We are almost there!! It has taken a lot more work and much longer than many people anticipated to get the new R1 Finn built. Many issues had to be addressed, some beyond just building a boat. A few examples include:• An efficient means of measurement had to be implemented. This requires having people living close to the builder obtaining Official Measurer status from World Sailing.• An old Lemieux Finn was purchased and is at Beacon Composites to use as a reference.• The fit between the old deck molds and the new hull mold required time consuming adjustments.Although the iconic Lemieux Finn still performs very well when in the right hands, advances in design and construction have been made over the past 30 years. We have worked hard to keep the overall concept of the Lemieux, and incorporate a few modernizations.The new mold was based on a computer-generated model of the Lemieux design with small tweaks based on advanced computer analysis. In addition to showing the effects of design modifications, the computer analysis can show how much can be gained or lost with trim. Moving your weight fore and aft changes the pitch (bow up or bow down). 1 degree of pitch is equivalent to 1 ½” at the bow. The change in drag from 17 Lbs. to the minimum of 15.4 Lbs. will result in a difference of 8 feet every minute of sailing.We have listened to the input from legends such as Larry Lemieux, Gus Miller, Tim Tavinor, along with many others.Our new builder, Alex Venegas at Beacon Composites, has been an integral part of the project since the beginning and has been very patient throughout all the design, process and schedule changes. The current plan is to have the boat at the 2023 Masters in Alabama. Please see Alex’s website at:Obviously, the project could not have happened without the financial support of many people. I’m not sure what the final bill will be at this time. All contributions are greatly appreciated. At this point the project is almost completely paid for and needs only a few thousand more to cover some additional costs. Here is the Paypal account. All contributions are tax deductible.