Vendee New York – Les Sables – 2024 – day 10 – Zieleinlauf Samstag / Sonntag

Vendee New York

🇺🇸 Knots on the brain for part of the fleet, how to get around the high, the Azores? In any case, the wind is returning and speeds are increasing for the whole fleet.


03:00 – Vende New York – Boris Rückstand beträgt nur noch 380 sm.

14:00 – Charlie Dalin segelt mit einer VMC von 15,9 knoten dem Sieg entgegen. Sehr viel schneller ist Boris ja auch nicht, so dass es normalerweise unmöglich sein dürfte, den Rückstand von immer noch 357 sm aufzuholen.

Die Südgruppe kommt entgegen meiner Vermutung jetzt doch schneller voran, währen die mittlere Gruppe mit Clarisse nur noch ca. 10 kn schnell ist.




The battle for the podium will be close with just 20 miles between second placedThomas Ruyant (VULNERABLE) and Sébastien Simon (Groupe Dubreuil), the ‘usualsuspects’ in the match including Sam Goodchild (VULNERABLE) who has just reported that he has been dismasted. They are all into the building winds on the north west side of asmall active depression.

Eric Bellion is top of the daggerboard boats on his new David Raison designed StandAs One. He still has about 23 miles on Kiwi Conrad Colman (Imagine MS Amlin).And just as the battle for the places of honour is just as tight and exciting, bodingwell for the Vendée Globe. Canadian Scott Shawyer on his first solo IMOCA oceanrace is proving his competitive drive in 16 th .

Finally shaking off some of the accumulated fatigue caused by a late, difficultdelivery to the USA which saw him only on land in America for 36 hours before heturned back solo, Colman said today, “I struggled to get my head in the game and see much joy in what I was doing butsubsequently life has got a lot better and I have gotten some sleep and back intothe match, it is all to play for and that is exciting and stimulating.”

He recalled, “ It feel good to have scrambled my way back into the leading group ofdaggerboard boats, I have put some good miles on the likes of Scott Shawyer forexample. A couple of days ago we were neck and neck, side by side and he is now73 miles behind and I have been able to get in front of James on Gentoo, he hasjust passed a couple of miles behind me after having had a couple of hundred mileslead on me and to be in the fight with Violette who is at the front of this group. Soafter having had a late delivery after first being held up by a late delivery from asupplier and then being held up more in unfortunate winds, it is testament to thefact we have turned this boat into a reliable and adaptable machine which is able toperform in all kinds of conditions is satisfying considering how much work we havedone in the last couple of years.”


17:00 – Boris gibt alles 🙂  In den letzen 4 h schaffte er 92,8 sm.  Charlie dagegen nur 35,8 sm.  Charlie wird an die 48 h brauchen, um das Ziel zu erreichen. Boris einige Stunden mehr. Ankunft Sonntag Nachmittag

Hier  sieht man den Zieleinlauf bereits Samstag Nacht.  Habe ich mich vielleicht verkalkuliert ?

„Hello from Malizia – Seaexplorer! Yesterday, it felt great when I got the wind, when it finally kicked and the boat gradually accelerated. And on flat water, I find it particularly nice to sail like that. I’m optimistic for the second place, my Adrena routers indicate that I have a comfortable margin ahead of the South Group. So I’m quite confident and that feels good! But having taken the North route means that I’m also quite isolated here. I’m the only boat in this area. I usually find that it is actually much nicer to have boats around. It was a bit difficult for me at the beginning when I needed to assume my choice, and the models were very uncertain then. Now, I have accepted the situation. I’m here, I’m doing my thing. And that’s it. So all good.

In the next hours of the race it will get dark here, in about 2-3 hours. I wonder if I do a sail change before or not. It depends a bit on the wind strength. At the moment, it doesn’t look like it. And then I have the options to gybe, and the necessity to gybe as well. This will be the game for me from now on to the finish. Several gybe ahead, at least three times, more likely five times, maybe even more often. And also the question of sail change. So these are the two main points for me from now to the finish. All right. Bye!“

23:00 – Will, der ja Boris vorn gesehen hat, scheint sich verkalkuliert zu haben, denn Dalin wird in 48 Stunden einen grandiosen Sieg einfahren. Boris hat den 1. Platz mit dem riskanten Nordkurs leider verspielt.

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