Vendée Globe 2024 – day 20 – Boris: I Wish I Could Cry Sometimes


Boris liegt jetzt 827 sm zurück. Justine Mettraux zog gerade wieder an ihm vorbei. In den letzten 4 h schaffte Boris nur 14,9 sm.

Die Kommentare auf SR werden zunehmend kritischer.


Den Boris‘ Fanboys steht ein schweres Wochenende bevor. Er ist auf Platz 13 zurückgefallen, denn nun liegt auch Clarisse vor ihm. Sein Rückstand beträgt aktuell 891 sm. 1000 sm befinden sich in greifbarer Nähe 🙂

„Dage Malicia, we will find the wind. The wind eventually will come back. I’m sure about that.“ Out here on the vast ocean, moments like these feel surreal. This is what a boat looks like with no wind: a quiet, restless place. The sound of nothing. The water’s stillness teases. I’m emotionally sensitive; it all impresses me deeply. Sitting here, I’m not just waiting for the wind. There’s agitation, reflection. A storm of thoughts, though the sea itself remains calm. It’s beautiful, the kindness of the ocean but also maddening. Four years of preparation, a new boat, dreams of cutting through waves at 20 knots. And here I am, becalmed. It makes me sad. I wish I could cry, sometimes. But most of the time, I manage. I see the positive. I have a good boat. I’m doing what I need to do. This is a race, just a game, really. A few days ago, I was with Benjamin; now he’s hundreds of miles back. Does it matter? Perhaps not. What matters is not slipping into negativity but finding wonder in the moment. So send me some wind, and we’ll talk later.

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