Lina Rixgens – Les Sables – Les Acores – Leg 1 – Selbstanalyse


Lina schreibt:

The bad points:
– I was towed out of the harbour as the last boat and arrived at the starting line just in time for the starting gun, so I had no time at all to check the line or the sailing area up to the first mark. Anyway, I started as the most windward boat, great for photographers, but most leeward would have been better.
Unfortunately, I set the Code = during the first hour towards Rochebonne in order to make good progress. I realised too late that the wind shift to the right would not come and lost a lot of ground to windward side.
During the first hours, I really had problems to find the right apparent wind angle in order to get the best mix between boat speed and ground to windward. That happens when you didn’t compare to other boats yet…


So, after a bad starting period (and a place in the back of the fleet) I think having done a proper race with good speed, but was not able to improve much the ranking anymore. Wind is looking much better for the second leg, so I will try to start directly in a better position in this race! The next two days will be about recovery and weather/navigational preparation for the next leg – start is on Monday 10th August at 13:00.

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