The Ocean Race Europe 2021 – Offshore Team Germany ist Gesamtsieger

Hinter der 11th Hour Racing aber mit einer Bootslänge Vorsprung vor der LinkedOut sichert sich das Offshore Team Germany den Gesamtsieg des The Ocean Race Europe in der IMOCA-Klasse.   Herzliche Glückwünsche.

The Ocean Race 

3 Min. 
Congratulations to Offshore Team Germany! 🍾🏆 With a 2nd place in the Genoa coastal race they are overall winners of The Ocean Race Europe in the IMOCA60 class!!! 🏁
📸 @sailingenergy / The Ocean Race



The Coastal Race is Genova looks is setting up as decisive with the IMOCA and VO65 leaderboards so tight. We take a look ahead at Saturday’s winner-take-all race.
You’ll be able to watch the Coastal Race right here (and on YT and from 11:45 CEST on Saturday, with a race start at 12:00.

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