AC 72 – Olympiasieger Andrew Simpson 2013 bei Artemis-Kenterung tödlich verunglückt.

Die äusserst unglückliche Bootswahl – schnell kenternde, zerbrechliche Riesen-Katamarane mit zu hohem, halbstarrem Flügelsegel – führte am 9. Mai zu dem ersten Todesfall, der mit den bisher verwendeten Kielbooten nicht passiert wäre.

Artermis teilt mit:

It is with immense sadness that Artemis Racing confirms the tragic death of crewmember Andrew „Bart” Simpson today in San Francisco. Simpson, a British double Olympic medalist, was one of the 11-man crew aboard Artemis Racing’s AC72 catamaran which capsized during training on San Francisco Bay ahead of this summer’s America’s Cup. All other crewmembers are accounted for.

Simpson, however, was trapped underneath the boat and despite attempts to revive him, by doctors afloat and subsequently ashore, his life was lost.
„The entire Artemis Racing team is devastated by what happened,” said CEO Paul Cayard. „Our heartfelt condolences are with Andrew’s wife and family.”

Die Segelwelt trauert. Der 36.jährige Andrew Simpson hinterlässt seine Ehefrau Leah und seinen Sohn Freddie, denen unser tiefes Mitgefühl gilt.

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